Friday, December 26, 2008


It was a normal Friday for me yesterday. I met up with my friends and we went to had good nice soup at SOUP Restaurant Suntec City. The food was nothing to shout about. The soup was however, a total new found drug for us.

It was kept warm in a big earthern pot with lots of corns, carrots and pork ribs.

I'm salivating as I think of the misty aroma gushing off the pot.

We had a gorging session bfore realising it was already 2005. Our movie tickets was timed 2000 at GV Marina Square.

We ran all the way. We were in time for AUSTRALIA.

This 165 min mega production of 2008 was brought alive by my much-loved Nicole Kidman.

She was as Lady Ashley. Kidman travelled from England to this land called Australia to protect her husband's properties, who were at stake.

She transited from a cosy heiress lifestyle to one, whom not many would want to even imagine.

Upon reaching Australia, she realised she'll need the help of an experienced DROVER (one who helps to guide cattle along the way).

The film opens with light hearted comedy elements. These slowly turned into a hybrib of drama, action and romance developed. A dreadful WWII came into the picture and broke the happy protrait.

Besides stunning Kidman who poses frequently with nice dresses, cheongsams and english polo outfit, Hugh jackman did an equally amazing job by being the man of the team.

Lots of Chemistries amongst the casts. Prepare your kleenex as there'll be some tear jerking scenes.

Try listening to this before stepping into the auditorium.

A must watched production that bounds to make you feel that tour $10-50 is well-spent.

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