Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Vivian Chow

Hey, its Christmas. We're flooded with pails of bad news that pales this festive season.

I heard what one of my friends said over lunch yesterday.

"I have not touched papers for a long while"


"Its all about negative reports, bad news"


The world is overcome by clouds that promises rain. No one is spared from hearing floods, suicides and crime.

Daily, we hear fictitious reports when people would ride on hearts of the innocent ot gain publicities and sympathies.

I was disturbed by Vivian Chow's recent publicity stunt.

It must be one of her latest move to raise awareness for herself, her album, her business. Vivian is an artise who was once, one of the top incomes in HK music industry.

Following reports that her long time beau was seen intimate in p, with an -named lass. Upon hearing that, load of votes poured in for Vivian.

Now, it was revealed that Vivian was actually married to her beau long time ago. This was most probably a stunt to garner publicities.

Well, we are exposed to such mimickings everyday.

What's 1 more to us ?

We feel disappointment because we pinned hopes. When we no longer have hopes, disappointments doesnt come.

To protect our selves, we got to let go and treat everything with the least.

We are only answerable to ME, Myself and I.

Let me wish you a beautiful Christmas and enjoy this season.

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