Friday, December 26, 2008


It was a normal Friday for me yesterday. I met up with my friends and we went to had good nice soup at SOUP Restaurant Suntec City. The food was nothing to shout about. The soup was however, a total new found drug for us.

It was kept warm in a big earthern pot with lots of corns, carrots and pork ribs.

I'm salivating as I think of the misty aroma gushing off the pot.

We had a gorging session bfore realising it was already 2005. Our movie tickets was timed 2000 at GV Marina Square.

We ran all the way. We were in time for AUSTRALIA.

This 165 min mega production of 2008 was brought alive by my much-loved Nicole Kidman.

She was as Lady Ashley. Kidman travelled from England to this land called Australia to protect her husband's properties, who were at stake.

She transited from a cosy heiress lifestyle to one, whom not many would want to even imagine.

Upon reaching Australia, she realised she'll need the help of an experienced DROVER (one who helps to guide cattle along the way).

The film opens with light hearted comedy elements. These slowly turned into a hybrib of drama, action and romance developed. A dreadful WWII came into the picture and broke the happy protrait.

Besides stunning Kidman who poses frequently with nice dresses, cheongsams and english polo outfit, Hugh jackman did an equally amazing job by being the man of the team.

Lots of Chemistries amongst the casts. Prepare your kleenex as there'll be some tear jerking scenes.

Try listening to this before stepping into the auditorium.

A must watched production that bounds to make you feel that tour $10-50 is well-spent.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Last Empress

I am presently reading a biography by Anchee Min.

There are 2 parts. The first instalment is "Empress Orchid".

It talks about how a commoner girl was imported to Palace. Throughout the book, she describes the chronologies of how this inncoent young girl works her way up the imperial ladder to be one of Emperor Hsien Feng's favourite lady concubine.

The sequel labelled "The Last Empress", reveals her doing after she succeeded the throne as the Last Empress of CHINA.

Her cruelty was forced, not natural. Her doings were meticulously staged, never impulsive. Empress Tsu Hsi did all that in a ultimate goal. To gain protection against agressors who wanted to harm her!

I particularly agree with a quote in this book.

" There will never be friends inside the Forbidden City, only treachery and trickery "

If you have the chance to watch "War & Beauty" , a blockbuster drama serial by TVB HK, you will find a striking resemblance in them.

Characters brought to live by works of Min include:

a) 侯佳玉瑩 (by Gigi Lai)

b) 鈕祜祿如玥 (by Deng Cui Wen 邓萃雯)

c) 董佳爾淳 (by Charmaine Sheh)

d) 大清皇后 (by Rebecca Chan)

e) 蘇完尼瓜爾佳安茜 (by Maggie Cheung Ho Yee)
Its a good book. If you've watched the drama, read this book to bring back the thoughts.
If you haven't, this book is a must-have for everyone in this treacherous world.

Vivian Chow

Hey, its Christmas. We're flooded with pails of bad news that pales this festive season.

I heard what one of my friends said over lunch yesterday.

"I have not touched papers for a long while"


"Its all about negative reports, bad news"


The world is overcome by clouds that promises rain. No one is spared from hearing floods, suicides and crime.

Daily, we hear fictitious reports when people would ride on hearts of the innocent ot gain publicities and sympathies.

I was disturbed by Vivian Chow's recent publicity stunt.

It must be one of her latest move to raise awareness for herself, her album, her business. Vivian is an artise who was once, one of the top incomes in HK music industry.

Following reports that her long time beau was seen intimate in p, with an -named lass. Upon hearing that, load of votes poured in for Vivian.

Now, it was revealed that Vivian was actually married to her beau long time ago. This was most probably a stunt to garner publicities.

Well, we are exposed to such mimickings everyday.

What's 1 more to us ?

We feel disappointment because we pinned hopes. When we no longer have hopes, disappointments doesnt come.

To protect our selves, we got to let go and treat everything with the least.

We are only answerable to ME, Myself and I.

Let me wish you a beautiful Christmas and enjoy this season.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This is 23 Dec 2008

An emotional night that displays loneliness and boredom.

I want to tell bystanders around me that I want to break free.

But, what exactly am I freeing myself from ?

Sometimes, you dont need a reason to do something.

Well, we meet people that come and go in our life.

People who are nice to you today may not behave the way, tomorrow.

On the same leaf, the one that you dislike may not neccesarily be a baddie after all.

Learn to give up and realise. It'll add a little happiness to life.
Dont be discourage when others praise you. Similarly, don't be brought down when you've been admonished.
We live for ourselves!
Life is like a PictureHouse.
It's full of casts, contains cinematography and is filled with surprises and disappointments.
Tomorrow is eve of Christmas 2008.
What will you be doing ?
Where will you be ?
How many more Christmas can you see ?
Ask yourself: How many more Christmas can you celebrate ?
Tomorrow is a nice day. I'll be getting a cheese cake from Don's Pie Club - China Square Central.
Their cheese cake is by far, the best !
Unlike the Japanese style that makes you wonder if you are stuffing yourself with fluffy floss, this cake from Don's satiates your drool.
As I am penning this post, my background is playing a soothing rendition from Corrine May.
Click on my embedment. Enjoy whilst you await for another year ahead of us.

Monday, December 22, 2008

This Picture House

Welcome to my world.

You're opening a book that contains sad stories.

Flipping through the pages that reads downturns.

Watching a film that showcases depression.

This is Picture House.

Of course, there are nice films around me. I'm not talking about films per se.

Although I have my generous servings of disappointment, bad hair days and poor orientation, I am lucky to have met supportive people in life.

I decided to start this storyboard today.

From now onwards, I will pen my thoughts. my observations. my views.

Christmas is just 3 days away.

The mood is sombre as the globe has awakened another crisis.

I was on train when I heard a man telling his grand daughter that this is the worst hit, following WW II.

I'm not sure about the authencity. For sure, I know there are lots of jobless people on the streets.

I would love to know how are my some very old friends doing. But it seems like a dream. Some friends lost, can never be found.

I really miss my old friends at Xinghua Primary School.

Albeit this school doesnt strike you at once, it comes across to many Hougangers as a ground for good learning.

Well, if you have been taught by Mrs Low & Mrs Susan Teng, you'll findly remember that we graduated from the same decade.

People come and go.

I used to ponder why is this so. I felt sad. Now, I am picking up this phenomenon fast and hope to understand its inevitability.

Today is the 22nd day of Dec 08.

The time is 1610 (as I am typing this sentence)

In a few days time, it will be 09.

Singapore is vibrant but overwhelmed by the recession.

People are not celebrating. No one dares to take year-end leave.

Shoppers are doing anything but spending.

I shall not pen anything specific to this day.

I shall only write things in broad.

Everyday, we wake up to expect things happening ahead of us.

Life is not peaceful. [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]

True to my thoughts, we need shoes to walk. We need wisdom to survive.

Aesop Mandarin Facial Hydrating Cream

I think this is a note which I should have written long ago.


A name that relates well with sincere skin care that uses only quality botanical ingredients.

Due to my stressful lifestyle and long working hrs, I don't really have the luxury of lavishing my skin with spa and music.

I looked pale, not radiant.

Have the listless shine but never, radiance.

It was all behind me wwhen I found this little store in Millenia walk Singapore that sells this Australian product labelled 'Aesop'.

I have used several products from them. So far, so well.

Presently, I am using their Mandarin Facial Hydrating Cream.

Albeit its name 'cream', it is never creamy and heavy.

In fact, this cream settles well into my skin. My pores simply drinks up the lemon peel infused cream and rewards me with a balanced complexion. (Other botanical extracts include Tangerine Peel, Rose Oil, Tangerine Peel oil et cetra)

Now, I have better confidence and is never worrioed about stepping into bright stores that uses flourescent.

So happy that I decided to post this and allow others with troubled skin, to benefit too.

It has skin care range for ALL skin types. of course, my mandarin facial hydrating cream is purely for the greasy and disobdient skin like mine.

If you yearm to have something that really works for you, you've heard me.

For SGD49, I got a 60ml little nice glass jar with this elixir preparation.

Layer a light nourishment over deeply cleansed skin in the night, before bed.

Its hard to recognise yourself in the AM.


22nd day of Dec 08.

Isnt it great that I'm finally writing?

Nothing actually.

Actually, there's something.

I want to get out of what I'm doing. I want to do something that I enjoy.

In this world, there's always this diplomatic restriction that separates our passion from reality.

Its 3 days from Christmas. The mood is serious and sombre.

People are cooping in their nest and not celebrating.

The festive mood is just not here.

Perhaps it'll arrive on 24th this month? [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]